Monday, October 27, 2008

Where Do You Stand?

Where do you stand?

The heresy of one age becomes the orthodoxy of the next.

-Helen Keller

Funny how someone who couldn’t see something with her own two eyes could make such an observation about society, and yet there are plenty of people with unimpaired vision who are blind to the sort of change Helen spoke of.

I speak of this sort of change as well. A sort of change that is developing into what some have called the civil rights movement of our generation. Same-sex marriage is no doubt a civil rights issue and it is time that we fully recognize that. To deny same-sex couples the right to marry is unconstitutional, plain and simple.

Marriage is a contract between two adults who have met the State’s requirements for the legal protections and rights available through marriage. But as we continue to LEGALLY deny homosexuals the right to marry, people should look for LEGAL justifications for the denial. The arguments against same-sex marriage now are constitutionally impermissible, hateful, and factually unsupported.

It is against the Constitution to define marriage based on a particular religion’s views. Same-sex marriage won’t lead to adults marrying children, or brothers marrying sisters. There is no scientific evidence to support that children are harmed by gay parents. In fact, gay couples are permitted to adopt children in all but one state. These are just some of the unfounded arguments made against same-sex marriage equality. There is no justification to continue this discrimination.

The prejudice displayed by opponents to equal marriage rights is palpable. To this day some contend that gay marriage would make a mockery of their “legitimate” loving marriage, which they have been in for x number years. This opinion is based on the stereotype that gays only have promiscuous untenable relationships. While in actuality many homosexuals are in long, loving relationships, have adopted children, and have made admirable homes for their families. It is time we abandon these stereotypes and recognize what is reality, homosexual relationships are just like heterosexual relationships and deserve the same respect.

Courts have legalized same-sex marriage in Connecticut and California. Apple and Google have donated money to groups opposing same-sex marriage bans. A 2006 gallop poll indicated that 47% of Americans say same-sex marriage should be legal. The change is on the horizon.

It is impossible, in the closing days of this election season, to ignore that this topic must be discussed in the election context. Sadly, same-sex marriage is already illegal in Florida by statute. However, Amendment 2 is on the ballot and if passed, Florida citizens will have prohibited same-sex marriage within our state Constitution. I am a Floridian. I was born and raised here, and I plan on making my family’s home here in South Florida. I love Florida, but it makes me sad that we stand poised to scribe discrimination into our constitution. That is why I ask that people recognize that same-sex couples deserve equal marriage rights. Specifically, I implore my fellow members of Generation Y to stand up against this amendment. After all, who are you Generation Y? You are the independent and determined. You are diverse and inclusive. Some say you, we, are poised to be the next hero generation. Lead the way on this issue. Start by voting down amendment 2. Then, if ever given the opportunity, flex your muscles, exhibit your open-mindedness, show your strength in numbers and express that you will be the generation to end this outdated discrimination. The change is coming. The real question is how will history reflect upon you when the change occurs? Now the views and opinions once expressed against race and gender equality are disturbing and almost unbelievable. Be on the right sight of this change.


Stefanie Warren said...

Bravo! I'll be with you on the right side of this civil rights issue.

Anonymous said...

You are awesome Matt! Can I post this on myspace?

Unknown said...

fantastic Matt. Powerfully put. This is indeed the time for real change. For sure I march to that drum. Susan B.

Chuck said...

Well done, dude. Susan told me how great your ruminations were, but when I read them for myself, I was really blown out of the water. You are a great spokesperson for civil-rights. I look forward to future commentaries from you.